Understanding the Critical Steps to Make this all Work!



Key Takeaways from the Video: 

Initial Information that should have been sent to you: 


Google Spreadsheets:

Quickly discussed how to fill out, save, and share your Google Spreadsheet with your coach.
You can also find this information on the Google Drive/Spreadsheet links above as well as in the Initial Detailed Email that you will be receiving from your coach.


Client Expectations: 

 For the Client:

  • Mondays and Thursdays are MANDATORY check-in days.
    • Please send your spreadsheet BEFORE NOON with an email to your coach.
    • Please provide feedback on the week so that your coach is aware of everything that is going on.
    • How did your week go? Did you experience any struggles? Any challenges? Any wins? How are you feeling overall?
  • Mondays update should have your spreadsheet up-to-date, your measurements (1x weekly), and your third table filled out (feedback variable table).
  • Thursdays update should have your spreadsheet up-to-date as well as progress pictures sent.
  • Other Check-Ins – You do have 24/7 access to your coach. Please reach out when you have questions and we can get these answered.
  • Consistency – It’s very hard to make progress if the client is not consistent with the program. If you are not consistent, please be HONEST with your coach because honesty and communication are important pieces to this! Your coach can help you work through any struggles that you are facing and help you find a solution.
  • Response – Please respond to your coach in a timely fashion. A lot of the changes that we intend to make to your plan come from the answers to the questions we ask.
  • Concerns/Question – Please ask questions and let the coach know how you are feeling. If you think that something is not right, please address this with your coach immediately.


For the Coach:

  • Role – The coach is a guide rather than an expert. What is optimal is NOT always practical. Therefore, we work with YOU to find the solution to your problems that best fits your lifestyle, needs, and desires.
  • Response Time – The coach is required to get back to you in a timely fashion (at least within 24 hours).
  • Adjustments – The coach is required to make the necessary changes to the plan when needed.
  • Support – The coach is required to be supportive in all situations and help the client navigate challenges.

If you have any questions, please email: